

The war against the Yuuzhan Vong was an excruciating crucible for young Jacen Solo, who survived capture, torture and questioned faith to transform from a confused youth into a determined *****.对年轻的杰森·索洛而言,抗击遇战疯人的战争无疑是一次狱火般的考验。他经历过被俘和严刑拷打的折磨,怀疑过自己的信念,最终从一个困惑的青年转变为一个坚决的成年人。At the start of the conflict, Jacen stood at a crossroads, consumed by indecision, and concerned with the implications of using the Force. He was a complicated young man burdened with responsibility of being a Jedi.在冲突初期,杰森站在命运的十字路口,犹豫不决,担心运用原力的后果。他是个心绪复杂的年轻人,背负着身为绝地的沉重使命。His conscience wasn't always so plagued. In fact, Jacen lived a happy, adventure-filled childhood of privilege, being the son of the Chief of State of the New Republic. He and his twin sister, Jaina, were born to Leia Organa and Han Solo on Coruscant during the end of the Thrawn crisis. As infants, the Solo twins were strong in the Force, and had an inseparable mental bond between them.他的良心并非自小就这样饱受折磨。事实上,作为新共和国国家元首的儿子,出身显赫的杰森童年曾经充满快乐与冒险。他和双胞胎姐姐杰娜是莱娅·奥加纳和汉·索洛的子女,于索龙危机末期出生在科洛桑。在婴儿时期,索洛姐弟就带有强大的原力,彼此之间有一种不可分割的精神纽带。During the earlier years of their lives, the twins were sequestered at safeworlds meant to protect them from Imperial attacks. Ultimately, their parents decided it would be safest to keep the family together. They were safeguarded and tended to by Chewbacca, C-3PO and their nanny, Winter. When the twins were a year-and-a-half old, they were joined by a younger brother, Anakin Solo, also strong in the Force.在幼年时,这对双胞胎被藏在安全星球以免遭到帝国的袭击。最终他们的父母决定还是一家人聚在一起最安全。他们由丘巴卡、C-3PO和保姆温特保护和照顾。当双胞胎一岁半大的时候,他们有了一个弟弟,名叫阿纳金·索洛,他的原力也很强大。Even before the tender age of three, the twins managed to toddle into adventure. Sneaking away from C-3PO, the two took a decommissioned turbolift into the scary depths of Coruscant. Luckily, they were rescued before any harm befell them.甚至还不到三岁的时候,两个双胞胎就蹒跚着步子开始冒险了。他们俩从C-3PO的眼皮下溜了出去,搭上一台废弃的升降机,深入科洛桑危机四伏的底层城区。幸好他们被及时搭救,没有受到任何伤害。A short time later, Jacen came to the defense of his uncle Luke Skywalker. Luke was rendered unconscious by the actions of a dark spirit, Exar Kun. None of Luke's students could see the disembodied spirit of their Master, but the young Jedi twins could. Luke guided Jacen to defend to his uncle's body from attacking predators, and the two-year old even wielded Luke's lightsaber.不久之后,杰森就救了一回他的舅舅卢克·天行者。由于黑暗灵体埃克萨·库恩作恶,卢克失去了意识。卢克的学生里没人能看见师父脱离身躯的灵体,但两个小绝地双胞胎却可以看见。卢克指引杰森保护自己的身体免收肉食动物的袭击,这个两岁小孩甚至挥起了卢克的光剑。When in their early teens, Jacen and Jaina joined Luke's Jedi academy on Yavin 4. There, they became friends with fellow students Lowbacca, and Tenel Ka. As Jacen studied, he developed an affinity and sensitivity towards nature and the living Force. He could instinctively communicate with animals, and kept a large menagerie of **all critters in his quarters in the Massassi temple.十岁出头,杰森和杰娜加入了卢克舅舅设在雅汶四号卫星的绝地学院。他们在那里与同学洛巴卡和特内尔·卡成了朋友。随着学习深入,杰森展现出一种对自然和生命原力的敏感和密切联系。他能够本能地与动物交流,还在马萨西神殿里自己的房间里办了个小动物园,养了许多小动物。During this time, he and his friends weathered many a crisis, from attacks of dark Jedi initiates of the Second Imperium, to the anti-human activists of the Diversity Alliance. While Jacen learned much from these experiences, they could hardly prepare him for the carnage that would follow shortly thereafter.在这段时期,他和朋友们经历了多次危机,其中有来自第二帝国黑暗绝地成员的袭击,也有多样性同盟反人类激进分子的攻击。虽然从这些经历中学到了很多,但面对后来发生的大屠杀,杰森还是无所适从相比,这些事件跟他后来的遭遇相比还是小巫见大巫。The Yuuzhan Vong invasion came as a shock to the Jedi order. This new menace was inexplicably removed from the Force, and seemingly beyond all efforts of negotiation. While the aliens loathed the inorganic technology of the galaxy, they fostered a special hatred to the Jedi and their supernatural powers in particular. As the war escalated, the Yuuzhan Vong called for the delivery of the Jedi as prisoners in exchange for a cease in hostilities. A battered and beleaguered galaxy was all too ready to listen.遇战疯人的入侵对绝地武士团来说如同一声晴天霹雳。这新的威胁不知出于何种原因,在原力中没有丝毫踪迹,似乎一切谈判的努力都是徒劳。这些外星人极度憎恶银河系的非生物技术,尤其痛恨具有超自然能力的绝地。随着战争升级,遇战疯人宣称,只要把绝地作为战犯引渡,就可以停止敌对行动。遍体鳞伤,无路可逃的银河系居民对这句话等待已久。With the new Jedi order challenged from all fronts, Jacen was torn. He believed the Force to be more than just a weapon wielded against a foe. He was concerned that many of the Jedi, including his younger brother Anakin, were adopting too aggressive a stance. In the thick of war, Jacen turned his back on his powers. Rather than using them offensively, he instead abandoned his talents to contemplate on his inner connection to the Force, to seek out answers to put his mind at ease.新绝地武士团在各条战线上都受到了挑战,杰森感到摇摆不定。他相信原力不应仅仅是对抗敌人的武器。他担心许多绝地,包括弟弟阿纳金,都采取了过于激进的态度。在战事最紧急的时刻,杰森无视自己的力量。他没有把原力用于进攻性的活动,而是放弃自己的天赋,冥想自身与原力的内在联系,试图寻找答案,让内心归于平静。Jacen applied his more passive talents in the Force in a daring mission to Myrkr. A Jedi strike force, led by his brother Anakin, was to infiltrate a Yuuzhan Vong cloning facility where the invaders crafted deadly Jedi-hunting beasts called voxyn. Jacen would use the Force to bind the team together into a cohesive fighting unit. The mission ended disastrously. The Yuuzhan Vong killed young Anakin, Jaina reacted by touching the dark side of the Force, and Jacen was captured by enemy troops led by Vergere and Nom Anor.在一次前往摩克尔的勇敢任务中,杰森运用了自己较被动性的原力天赋。由弟弟阿纳金率领的一支绝地突击队试图潜入遇战疯人的克隆设施,这些入侵者在那里培育着一种专门猎杀绝地的致命野兽——沃克辛兽。杰森用原力把小队紧密联系在一起,结成一个牢固的战斗单元。这次任务以悲剧性的代价收场。遇战疯人杀死了年轻的阿纳金,杰娜为此触动原力的黑暗面,杰森则被维婕尔和农·阿诺率领的敌军俘虏。Jacen disappeared. His presence in the Force had seemingly vanished. Many in the New Republic considered him dead, though his mother never lost faith that he was alive, somehow, somewhere.杰森失踪了。他的存在似乎从原力中消失了。新共和国的很多人都认为他死了,但他母亲从未放弃过自己的信念,相信他还在某处以某种方式活着。Jacen awoke to find himself in the Embrace of Pain, a rack-like torture device favored by the Yuuzhan Vong. His captor was the enigmatic Vergere, who puzzled him with queries and riddles as Jacen drowned in his pain and sorrow. Yet his inner strength of character staved off madness or total collapse.杰森醒来时发现自己身处“痛苦之怀”中,这是一种网架一样的刑具,深受遇战疯人的喜爱。抓他的人是神秘的维婕尔,当杰森沉浸在痛苦与悔恨之中时,她的质问和一些谜一样的话令杰森非常迷惑。但是他性格的内在力量没有让他陷入疯狂或彻底的崩溃。Aboard a seedship-- a vessel designed to transform worlds into Yuuzhan Vong strongholds-- Jacen was put to work at the Nursery, a chamber where the organic tools of transformation were nurtured. Jacen's natural empathy for living creatures forged a strong bond with the dhuryam, a sort of larval form of a World Brain. Using the implanted slave seed beneath his flesh as a conduit, Jacen was able to communicate with the living instruments of Yuuzhan Vong technology. He used this connection to stage a daring escape from captivity, commanding Yuuzhan Vong amphistaffs to surround him like living armor. The dhuryam, protective of Jacen, aided his efforts of escape, but Vergere foiled his larger plans of sabotage.遇战疯人设计的种子船能把星球改造为他们的据点。杰森被派到这样一艘种子船上,在“苗圃”工作。“苗圃”是一个房间,培育着星球改造所需的生物工具。杰森对生物具有天生的移情作用,这令他与“世界脑”的一种幼年形态——杜尔亚姆——产生了强大的联系。杰森以植入他皮下的奴隶种子为渠道,实现了与遇战疯人科技中活体仪器的交流。他利用这种联系实施了一次勇敢的越狱行动,指挥遇战疯人的变形杖像活体盔甲一样包裹他。而杜尔亚姆保护着杰森,帮助他逃亡,但维婕尔挫败了他更大的破坏计划。Jacen and Vergere fled to Coruscant. The city planet's entire surface was undergoing a radical transformation. Yuuzhan Vong organic growths covered the once gleaming metropolis, remaking the planet into a Yuuzhan Vong paradise.杰森和维婕尔逃到科洛桑。这座城市星球的整个表面正在经历剧烈的改造。遇战疯人的活体生长物覆盖了往日光鲜的大都会,渐渐把这颗行星重塑为遇战疯人的天堂。Vergere removed the slave seed from Jacen, but he found he could still sense the Yuuzhan Vong. Once again surrounded by Yuuzhan Vong captors, he surrendered and agreed to join their cause. He became the khattazz al'Yun, or Avatar of God. Nom Anor intended to use Jacen to sacrifice his twin sister, Jaina, thus fulfilling an ancient Yuuzhan Vong prophecy.维婕尔取出杰森体内的奴隶种子,但他发现自己依然可以感觉到遇战疯人。当杰森又一次被遇战疯人围住时,他表示愿意投降并加入他们的事业。他成为了khattazz al'Yun,即“神的化身”。农·阿诺意图利用杰森来牺牲他的双胞胎姐姐杰娜,实现一个古老的遇战疯人预言。But young Solo's true allegiance was his own. During a test of Jacen's faith, the Yuuzhan Vong ordered Solo to sacrifice a captured Jedi, Ganner Rhysode. Instead, the two Jedi turned against their captors. As Ganner valiantly held of the Yuuzhan Vong, Jacen confronted the World Brain controlling the transformation of Coruscant. The World Brain remembered the bond that Jacen had forged earlier, and Jacen suggested to it to work against the Yuuzhan Vong.但年轻索洛真正的忠诚只属于他自己。为了考验杰森的诚意,遇战疯人命令索洛杀死被俘的绝地甘纳·赖索德。两名绝地立刻向压迫者发动进攻。甘纳英勇地拖住遇战疯人,杰森则找到了控制科洛桑改造过程的世界脑。世界脑记起了杰森之前曾与它结下的纽带,杰森建议它背叛遇战疯人。Ganner perished that day, though Jacen escaped with Vergere. He returned to the dwindling New Republic territories, haggard, thin and hardened. He was given a much needed vacation, but returned to frontline combat aboard the cruiser Ralroost. As the newly formed Galactic Alliance emerged, Jacen accompanied his uncle Luke Skywalker into the Unknown Regions to seek a solution to the Yuuzhan Vong menace.当日,甘纳战死,但杰森和维婕尔一同成功逃离。憔悴、干瘦、坚毅的他回到了不断缩小的新共和国领土。他被给予必需的休假,但不久又登上“拉尔鲁斯特号”巡洋舰,回到了作战前线。随着银河同盟的新近成立,杰森陪着舅舅卢克·天行者踏进未知区域,寻求解决遇战疯人威胁的办法。

索洛 杰森·索洛的人物简传

In the years that followed, Luke worked to ensure that the Jedi were able to meet the needs of the growing Galactic Alliance. When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi. The war that erupted between the Corellian insurgents and the Galactic Alliance forced the members of the Jedi Order to destroy Corellian fighters to maintain the stability of the government. These actions, coupled with Jacen Solo's turn toward the dark side of the Force, gave Luke and Mara cause for great concern for their son Ben, who was Jacen's apprentice.在随后的几年里,卢克努力确保绝地有能力满足不断壮大的银河同盟的需求。当思拉肯·萨尔-索洛威胁率科雷利亚星系脱离同盟时,卢克发现自己开始怀疑绝地的忠诚了。科雷利亚起义者与银河同盟之间爆发了战争,绝地武士团的成员被迫消灭科雷利亚的战士来维持政府稳定。这些军事行动,再加上杰森·索洛转向原力黑暗面,使卢克和玛拉极为担心他们拜杰森为师的儿子本。Luke's fears were heightened when he realized that Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, was the Sith Master corrupting Jacen. Mara soon died in a confrontation on Kavan, although Luke remained unaware that Jacen Solo was the murderer. In a move that treaded perilously close to the dark side, Luke set out to hunt down Lumiya and avenge his wife's death. On Terephon, Luke beheaded her after a struggle. However, upon meeting up with Ben, Luke realized that he had killed the wrong person.卢克发现西斯黑暗女主卢米娅就是暗中腐化杰森的西斯**,这加深了他的担心。玛拉不久死于卡万的一场战斗,但卢克不知道凶手是杰森·索洛。卢克铤而走险,踏进黑暗面的边缘,出发搜捕卢米娅,为亡妻报仇。卢克在特雷芬与卢米娅交手,斩下了她的首级。然而,遇到本之后,卢克意识到自己杀错了人。In the wake of Mara's funeral, Luke turned his attentions to Jacen and his mercurial motives. When Jacen arrived at Kashyyyk and began attacking the planet to force the Wookiees to turn over fugitive, Luke flew his StealthX fighter up to Jacen's flagship and infiltrated it to confront his nephew. Inside a secret chamber, Luke found his son, Ben held prisoner and tortured by Jacen. Luke drove Jacen to the ground and freed Ben, who drove a vibroblade into Jacen's back.玛拉的葬礼过后,卢克把注意力转向杰森,发现他心怀叵测。当杰森抵达卡希克,开始向这颗行星发动进攻,迫使伍基人交出逃犯时,卢克驾驶“隐形X”战斗机潜入杰森的旗舰,与外甥决战。卢克在一间密室内找到了他的儿子——被杰森囚禁和折磨的本。卢克把杰森打倒在地,解救了本,本随即将一把振动刀刺进杰森的后背。Luke and Ben voyaged to the Forest Moon of Endor, where the Jedi Council established a hidden base of operations. Still in anguish over the loss of his wife, Luke was shaken from his depression by bonding with his son. Ben was determined to prove Jacen Solo's guilt in the murder of his mother, but he planned to do so not out of vengeance, but out of justice. He used his Galactic Alliance Guard training to methodically piece together the evidence that ultimately pointed to Jacen.卢克和本飞回恩多森林卫星,那里有绝地委员会设立的秘密作战基地。仍然沉浸在丧妻之痛中的卢克通过同儿子团聚消散了些许悲伤。本决意要证明杰森·索洛杀害其母亲的罪状,但他这样做不是为了复仇,而是为了伸张正义。他利用自己在银河同盟卫队接受的训练一点点拼串出最终指向杰森的罪证。With his new resolve, Luke set in motion two assaults. The first, led by Jagged Fel and Kyle Katarn, was dispatched to rescue Allana, Tenel Ka and Jacen Solo's daughter whom Jacen had kidnapped. The second, led by Luke, Han and Leia, was tasked with destroying Centerpoint Station, thereby eliminating it as a weapon that could be used against the galaxy. Luke also made secret entreaties to Cha Niathal, admiral of the Galactic Alliance fleet who had grown wary of Jacen. Niathal armed Skywalker with information vital to upsetting Jacen's plans to take the starship yards at Fondor.卢克带着新的决心,发动了两起袭击。第一次由贾格德·费尔和凯尔·卡塔恩率领,派去解救被杰森绑架的阿拉娜——杰森·索洛和特内尔·卡的女儿。第二次由卢克、汉和莱娅率领,前去摧毁“中端站”,解除有人用它作武器对抗银河系的危险。卢克还向银河同盟舰队的查·尼亚撒尔上将发出秘密请求,尼亚撒尔已对杰森怀有戒心。她向卢克提供关键情报,挫败了杰森夺取方多船坞的阴谋。The Jedi then moved their base from Endor to the safety of the Transitory Mists, where Luke hoped that the Jedi could regroup and find a way to bring Jacen Solo-- now Darth Caedus-- to justice. Jaina Solo was preparing to fulfill her destiny as the Sword of the Jedi and bring an end to Caedus, a feat that Skywalker was hesitant to risk due to his edging of the dark side with the killing of Lumiya.绝地们随后把基地从恩多转移到了安全的瞬息迷雾,卢克希望绝地们能在此重振旗鼓,设法将杰森·索洛——即现在的达斯·凯杜斯——绳之以法。杰娜·索洛准备实现自己作为“绝地之剑”的使命,消灭凯杜斯,对此卢克一直不敢冒险,因为他杀死卢米娅而濒临了黑暗面。

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索洛 杰森·索洛的人物简传




索洛 杰森·索洛的人物简传




















