

World Cup世界杯 FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association)国际足联 football,soccer,association football足球 field,pitch足球场 midfield中场 penalty area禁区 goalkeeper,goaltender,goalie守门员 back后卫 left back左后卫 right back右后卫 centre half back中卫 right half back右前卫 forward前锋 centre forward,centre中锋 wingerwing,wing forward边锋 libero自由人 substitute候补队员 referee裁判 red card红牌 yellow card黄牌 The goal is disallowed进球无效 foul play严重犯规 corner ball, corner角球 goal kick球门球 hand ball手球 header头球 penalty kick点球 free kick任意球 fair charge合理冲撞 close-marking defence盯人防守 deceptive movement假动作 slide tackle铲球 to shoot射门 mishit未射中 to break through带球过人 to set a wall筑人墙 a hat trick帽子戏法 time wasting tactics拖延战术 cheering squad拉拉队 locker room(运动员)休息室、更衣室 nationteam国家队 coach教练 Stop holding!不许拉人 Stop pushing!不许推人



开幕时间就是 2010年6月11日,地点是约翰内斯堡,开幕式时长一小时,1500人的演员阵容,打造一个小时的世界杯豪门盛宴——这就是将于当地时间本周五在约翰内斯堡索维托足球城举行的南非世界杯开幕式。



卡塔尔世界杯一般指2022年卡塔尔世界杯。 2022年卡塔尔世界杯(英语:FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022,***语:كأسالعالملكرةالقدم٢٠٢٢‎)是第22届国际足联世界杯。卡塔尔世界杯英语介绍:

The Qatar World Cup 2022 is the 22nd FIFA World Cup.The tournament will be held in eight stadiums in Qatar from November 20 to December 18,2022.It is the first World Cup football match held in Qatar and the Middle East countries in history,and the second World Cup football match held in Asia.

The Qatar World Cup is also the first World Cup football match held in winter in the northern hemisphere and held by a country that has never entered the World Cup finals.32 teams participated in the tournament.


On November 21,2022,the opening ceremony and opening battle of the World Cup will be held at the Gulf Stadium,with the host Qatar losing 0-2 to Ecuador;On December 18,the closing ceremony and final of the World Cup were held in Lusail Stadium.In the final.

Argentina won the World Cup through penalty shootout,and France and Croatia won the second and third place respectively.Lionel Messi of Argentina won the Golden Globe Award of the World Cup;Kilian Mbape of France won the Golden Boot Award of the World Cup.

Emiliano Martinez of Argentina won the Golden Glove Award of the World Cup;Enzo Fernandez of Argentina won the Best Young Player of the World Cup.Harry Kane,Bruno Fernandez,Antoine Grezman,Ivan Pericic and Lionel Messi won the assists together.






世界杯(World Cup,FIFA World Cup,国际足联世界杯,世界足球锦标赛)是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与奥运会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。每四年举办一次,任何国际足联(FIFA)会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加,而世界杯主要分为预选赛阶段和决赛阶段两个阶段.



World Cup(World Cup, FIFA World Cup, FIFA World Cup, World Football Championship) is the world's highest level of football competition, with the Olympics, F1 and as the top three global events. Held every four years, any FIFA(FIFA) member countries(regions) can be sent teams join, while the World Cup qualifying phase consists of two stages and the final phase.

China's ancient capital of Qi State in Linzi Spring and Autumn on a"football" and contests, was called"Kickball." Modern football originated in Britain and then swept the world. As the rapid development of football, the international competition began. Held in Athens in 1896, the football as an official event on Denmark to 9:0 victory over Greece, to become the first Olympic soccer title. Because of the Olympics does not allow professional athletes to the 1928 Amsterdam Olympic Games, football is no longer sustainable.







