各位老铁们好,相信很多人对世界杯主题曲we will都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于世界杯主题曲we will以及we will rock you是不是世界杯的主题曲的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag:本届世界杯主题曲名为“Wavin Flag”,其中文译名“旗帜飘扬”。世界杯主题曲演唱者是来自加拿大的31岁歌手“克南”。

世界杯主题曲we will we will rock you是不是世界杯的主题曲




2010南非世界杯主题曲 Wavin Flag歌词

when i get older i will be

世界杯主题曲we will we will rock you是不是世界杯的主题曲

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne

stronger than rome

but violent prone

poor people zone

but its my home

all i have known

where i got grown

streets we would roam

out of the darkness

i came the farthest

among the hardest survive

learn form these streets

it can be bleak

accept no defeet

surrender retreat

(so we struggling)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithful day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars

settling scores

bring us promises

leaving us poor

i heard them say

love is the way

love is the answer

thats what they say

but look how they treat us

make us believers

we fight there battles

then they deceive us

try to control us

they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward

like buffalo soldiers

(but we strugglin)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithfully day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it

and you and i will be singing it

and we all will be singing it

wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

a oh a oh a oh

when i get older

when i get older

i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag(3x)

flag flag

just like a wavin flag






[ti:wavin' flag]



ahhho ahhho ahhho

give me freedom给我自由

give me fire给我**

give me reason给我个理由

take me higher让我飞得更高

see the champions向着冠军

take the field now现在就上场吧

you define us你让我明确

make us feel proud让我们自豪

in the streets are在街道上


as we lose our inhibition当我们失去了束缚

celebration its around us在我们身边庆祝吧

every nations每个国家

all around us在我们身边

singin forever young歌唱永远的年轻

singin songs underneath that sun在太阳下歌唱

lets rejoice in the beautiful game


and together at the end of the day


we all say我们一起说

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

ahhho ahhho ahhho

give me freedom给我自由

give me fire给我**

give me reason给我个理由

take me higher让我飞得更高

see the champions向着冠军

take the field now现在就上场吧

you define us你让我明确

make us feel proud让我们自豪

in the streets are在街道上


as we lose our inhibition当我们失去了束缚

celebration its around us在我们身边庆祝吧

every nations每个国家

all around us在我们身边

singin forever young歌唱永远的年轻

singin songs underneath that sun在太阳下歌唱

lets rejoice in the beautiful game


and together at the end of the day


we all say我们一起说

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

ahhho ahhho ahhho

we all say我们一起说

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

when i get older i will be stronger


they'll call me freedom他们让我们自由

just like a wavin' flag就像那旗帜飘扬

and then it goes back一切都回归

ahhho ahhho ahhho

everybody wanna singin it


we will rock you是不是世界杯的主题曲


它是皇后乐队(Queen)最著名的单曲之一,发行于1978年初,同期发布的还有另外一首超级经典的“We Are the Champions”。这两首歌都以昂扬向上、震撼人心见长,因此,被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用。但是没有被世界杯采用过。

1986:别样的英雄“A Special Kind of Hero”(1986年墨西哥世界杯)

演唱者:斯黛芬妮-劳伦斯(Stephanie Lawrence)

1990:“意大利之夏”(UN'ESTATE ITALIANA)(1990年意大利世界杯主题曲)

英语版本名称为:To Be Number One

演唱者:吉奥吉-莫罗德(Giorgio Moroder)和吉娜-娜尼尼(Gianna Nannini)



演唱者:达利尔-豪(Daryl Hall)


“我踢球你介意吗”(法语:La Cour des Grands,英语:Do you mind if I play)(1998年法国世界杯主题曲1)

“生命之杯”(La Copa De La Vida)(西班牙语)演唱者:瑞奇-马汀(Ricky Martin)(1998年法国世界杯主题曲2),比第一个要好很多



“让我们走到一起”(Let's get together now)(2002年世界杯日韩主题歌)

2006:《Hips Don't Lie》(难以抗拒)夏奇拉Shakira

《Celebrate the day》Herbert Gronemeyer(赫伯特格朗内每尔)

《我们生命中的时光》(Time of Our Lives)

2010:Waka Waka夏奇拉Shakira







