





当一群群脚蹬高跟鞋的年轻人在钢筋混凝土的丛林间穿梭,无心仰望铅灰色的天空,习惯了在忙碌中摇头叹息C'est la vie,六月,闷热的炎夏灼起滚滚热浪,一阵喧嚣的呐喊却点燃了世界的梦境。它是最原始的激情,它是热血与玫瑰的传奇,这,就是世界杯。



几周前的欧冠决赛,和几个同学相约一起熬到了半夜两点半。当卡卡双手指天喊出让全场沸腾的Hala Madrid,当国米的球迷们齐声高唱Ama la,当伯纳乌球场又一次见证了皇马魔咒,还有谁能不为之疯狂。一位年逾七旬的老奶奶说,她追随国米数十年,国米的客场比赛她场场不落地前去助阵,哪怕睡在大街上。这,就是足球。我和我的同学说,很高兴,能用自己的时间做了一件属于自己的事,这是奢侈的,也是值得的。有一天收到了朋友发来的阿森纳球场照片,看着那一片磅礴摄人的绿茵,止不住沉醉。




what a goal!

I got it from fifa, i donot know whether it is the one u need. hope to help you.

good luck.

here is it.

The art of captaincy

The heartbeat of Team USA, it is hard to find a more influential figure in the squad than Claudio Reyna. The Manchester City schemer(谋士) belongs to a select band of footballers. Intelligent, calm and authoritative, Reyna adds vital balance to Bruce Arena’s midfield and proved inspirational in his side’s run to the quarter-finals at Korea/Japan 2002. Worryingly for the USA’s opponents, Arena’s talismanic skipper is ready to repeat the trick at Germany 2006.

Another captain looking to do likewise is Luis Marin, Costa Rica coach Alexandre Guimaraes’ on-field organiser and an old adversary of Reyna’s. An indispensable component of his coach’s tactical strategies, Marin is the bulwark of the Costa Rican back-line, calmly surveying proceedings from his withdrawn position and urging his colleagues on with some well-chosen words whenever necessary.

Reyna and Marin both showed their worth four years ago in the Far East, as did the third man on our list, Japan captain Tsuneyasu Miyamoto. Who could forget the distinctive Zorro mask that catapulted him to fame at the 2002 event?

There is much more to Miyamoto than meets they eye, however. A valuable foil to the explosive talents of Hidetoshi Nakata and Shunsuke Nakamura, here is a player that knows exactly when to slow the game down and when to inject a little urgency.

If it is battle-hardened veterans you are after, then look no further than Carlos Gamarra, one of the finest central defenders to come out of South America in recent years and a legend in his native Paraguay.

A figure who will no doubt inspire budding footballers for generations to come, the long-serving stopper has been an ever-present in the Albirroja defence since France 98. There is no question that Gamarra will once again be a key figure this time around, as Paraguay set about qualifying for the last 16 for the third consecutive time.






1、哈利·波特与魔法石(Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

2、哈利·波特与密室(Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)

3、哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒(Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)

4、哈利·波特与火焰杯(Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)

5、哈利·波特与凤凰社(Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix)

6、哈利·波特与“混血王子”(Harry Potter and the half-blood prince)

7、哈利·波特与死亡的圣杯Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)

Pen name J.K. Rolling

Old name Joanna Katherine Rolling

Place of birth England

Birth year 1,965

Biography synopsis

Luo Lin in 1965 was born, in the recent two years promoted one after another take the boy Harry Poter as leading character's series child novel, entered the world each place bestseller ranking repeatedly, thus became the child writer which in the present world most has the great reputation. In 1988, Luo Lin by"Bookman" magazine evaluation for year best writer; In 1999, also is evaluated the English year books prize new owner.







