

歌曲列表1、Sign of a Victory(2010 FIFA主办国南非之歌)


2、Waka Waka(2010世界杯官方主题曲)

3、Oh Africa

4、One Day

5、Shosholoza 2010

6、Ke Nako


7、Move On Up

8、Spirit of Freedom

9、Game On(2010 FIFA世界杯吉祥物主题歌)

10、Maware Maware

11、As Mascaras(预约2014年巴西世界杯之歌)



13、Wavin' Flag(主题推广歌)

14、旗开得胜(中文版)以上为歌词列表.(共14首) 2010世界杯主题曲 1、Sign of a Victory(2010 FIFA主办国南非之歌)

歌词: I can see the colors of the rainbow

And I can feel the sun on my face

I see the light at the end of the tunnel

And I can feel heaven in this place

And that’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s a Sign of a Victory

I can feel the spirit of the nations

And I can feel my wings ridin’ the winds yeah

I see the finish line just up ahead now

And I can feel the risin’ deep within

And that’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s a Sign of a Victory

Now I can see the distance of your journey

And how you fought with all your might

You open your eyes to global warming, yeah thank you

And through it all you sacrificed your life

And that’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s a Sign of a Victory


Oh if we believe we can achieve anything

Including the impossible

This I know

So let’s lift up our heads yeah

And raise the flag yeah

And scream like you’re born to win

Now let the games begin


That’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s the Sign of a Victory

That’s the Sign of a Victory

Listen, when you keep on fighting

After you’ve lost your strength

That’s the Sign of a Victory, yes it is

And when darkness is all around you

And you still find your way

That’s the Sign of a Victory Oh

If you’ve got the Victory sing

Come on and sing

Lift up your voice and sing

Stand up

Come together

Stand up

Come together

And that’s a Sign of a Victory

That’s a Sign of a Victory

2、Waka Waka(2010世界杯官方主题曲)

歌词: Waka Waka

Shakira& Freshlyground

You're a good soldier

Choosing your battles

Pick yourself up

And dust yourself off

And back in the saddle

You're on the frontline

Everyone's watching

You know it's serious

We're getting closer

This isn’t over

The pressure is on

You feel it

But you've got it all

Believe it

When you fall get up

Oh oh...

And if you fall get up

Oh oh...

Tsamina mina


Cuz this is Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh

Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

This time for Africa

Listen to your god

This is our motto

Your time to shine

Dont wait in line

Y vamos por Todo

People are raising

Their Expectations

Go on and feed them

This is your moment

No hesitations

Today's your day

I feel it

You paved the way

Believe it

If you get down

Get up Oh oh...

When you get down

Get up eh eh...

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

This time for Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh

Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

Tsamina mina eh eh

Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa

Tsamina mina eh eh

Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

Tsamina mina eh eh

Waka Waka eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa aa

This time for Africa

This time for Africa

3、Oh Africa

歌词:"Oh Africa"

(with Keri Hilson)

Oh Africa...

"Oh Africa"

(with Keri Hilson)

Oh Africa...

I know that we have to take it to the goal'cause everyone's depending on we

See we ain't got nowhere to go but up, it's our destiny

We're choosing the way, we'll do what it takes to get to the top of the highest mountain

We'll do anything, we got to prove ourselves'cause we know

Oh Africa...

See we'll never be able to forget this day'cause it's the greatest day of our life

See no matter what happens at least we can say"we came, we saw, we tried"

We're choosing nowhere, we'll do what it takes to get to the top of the highest mountain

We'll do anything, we got to prove ourselves'cause we know

Oh Africa...

This is our time to shine, our time to fly, our time to be inside the sky

Our time to soar, our time to saw, the last one in football

Oh Africa...

I know that we have to take it to the goal'cause everyone's depending on we

See we ain't got nowhere to go but up, it's our destiny

We're choosing the way, we'll do what it takes to get to the top of the highest mountain

We'll do anything, we got to prove ourselves'cause we know

See we'll never be able to forget this day'cause it's the greatest day of our life

See no matter what happens at least we can say"we came, we saw, we tried"

We're choosing nowhere, we'll do what it takes to get to the top of the highest mountain

We'll do anything, we got to prove ourselves'cause we know

Oh Africa...

This is our time to shine, our time to fly, our time to be inside the sky

Our time to soar, our time to saw, the last one in football

Oh Africa...

















歌词:4、One Day

One Day

One day I''''ll learn to like myself

One day I''''ll finally get it right

And I''''ll try till time catches up with me

One day I''''ll be too old to care


one day


one day it will be okay

One day I''''ll speak some Japanese

One day I''''ll learn to play guitar

And I''''ll stop procrastinating

And get up off this chair

One day is always one day late

Ooh one day it will be okay

So I''''ll get up and try it again

So I''''ll pick myself up and I''''ll say

One day it will be okay

One day my heart will find a friend

One day I''''ll make the perfect wife

And I''''ll change my name just for him

All of these things I''''ll do one day

Ooh one day it will be okay

Ooh one day it will be okay

So I''''ll get up and try it again

So I''''ll pick myself up and I''''ll say

One day it will be okay

One day it will be okay

One day it will be okay

歌词:5、Shosholoza 2010

6、Ke Nako

7、Move On Up

8、Spirit of Freedom

9、Game On(2010 FIFA世界杯吉祥物主题歌)

10、Maware Maware

11、As Mascaras(预约2014年巴西世界杯之歌)


13、Wavin' Flag(主题推广歌)




拉丁歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)创作并参与制作的歌曲《Waka Waka(This Time For Africa)》(中译:哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻)),是2010年南非世界杯官方主题曲。

索马里裔加拿大歌手克南(K’naan)创作并演唱的《Wavin' Flag》(中译:《旗帜飘扬》),被选为本届世界杯的主题歌,是世界杯全球宣传主题歌。中文版是K’naan,张学友,张靓颖演唱的《旗开得胜》。

百事世界杯广告背景音乐,《oh africa》。
















2010年南非世界杯 Wavin’Flag

(《飘扬的旗帜》)演唱者:克南(K'naan《飘扬的旗帜》表达了对这片充满战火、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。《旗开得胜》(2010世界杯足球赛中文主题曲)演唱者:K’naan张学友张靓颖 2010南非世界杯主题歌国语版《旗开得胜》由歌神张学友以及海豚音天后张靓颖联合演绎,鼓励人们用非洲的方式表达各自的世界杯**。


演唱者:“美声男伶”组合(Il Divo) SonyBMG唱片公司著名作曲家约尔根·埃洛弗松(Jorgen Elofsson)作曲,超级制作人史蒂夫·麦克(Steve Mac)制作


2002年世界杯音乐的选择早早已经确定。“风暴”担纲全球主题曲,日韩新锐歌手组成“日韩之声”演唱组共同演绎日韩版主题曲“让我们走到一起”,另一首官方主题曲——纯音乐的“足球圣歌”以电子音乐风格,为新世纪世界杯进行时尚代言。同时,索尼音乐再次负责发行《2002年世界杯官方专辑》。 2002世界杯主题曲--“足球圣歌”(Anthem)演唱者:范吉利斯(Vangelis)范吉利斯的配乐以华丽见长,我们最熟悉的是将气氛烘托到极致的“火的战车”。这首主题曲中有两个版本,一首电子乐版本的作品是由芬兰音乐家JS16混音完成,兼具东方色彩和电子乐风情。另一首交响乐版传统、大气,作为专辑的结尾恰倒好处。 2002年日韩世界杯主题歌--“风暴”(Boom)演唱者:阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastacia)阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯”相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。


从1998年起,世界杯赛的主题曲不再仅限于一首,而且开始灌录世界杯官方专辑唱片。1998年的《Allez! Ola! Ole!》中就收录了15首代表参赛各国的足球歌曲。官方主题歌为“我踢球你介意吗”和“生命之杯”。 1998:“我踢球你介意吗”(法语:La Cour des Grands,英语:Do you mind if I play)(1998年法国世界杯主题曲1)演唱者:尤索·恩多(Youssou N'Dour)&阿克塞拉·瑞德(Axelle Red)“我踢球你介意吗”是首轻快的歌曲,带着浓烈的热带情调和欢快的吟唱风格。演唱者都不是法国人,歌曲没有明显的法国特点,可能也正应和了世界杯融合交流的主题,并符合法国人喜好出人意料的性格。但很多人认为并不好听。生命之杯”(La Copa De La Vida)(西班牙语)演唱者:瑞奇·马汀(Ricky Martin)“生命之杯”在世界杯之后也传播甚广,成为很多足球节目用来烘托气氛的第一选用曲目。歌曲中的鼓乐节奏和号角奏鸣都颇为煽情。


吉娜·娜尼尼 1994:“荣耀之地”(Gloryland)(1994年美国世界杯主题曲)演唱者:达利尔·豪(Daryl Hall)


“意大利之夏”(UN'ESTATE ITALIANA)(1990年意大利世界杯主题曲)英语版本名称为:To Be Number One演唱者:吉奥吉·莫罗德(Giorgio Moroder)和吉娜·娜尼尼(Gianna Nannini)“意大利之夏”或许是最成功的世界杯主题曲,至今仍被资深球迷和歌迷所津津乐道。这是首悠扬动听,又振奋人心的歌曲,意大利人将亚平宁半岛上的海风和足球王国对足球运动的理解糅合成迷人的音乐。这首歌有数个版本,原唱录音版较舒缓传统;现场演唱版则加入更多摇滚节奏;因为作曲的是意大利电子乐**吉奥吉,也有过节奏强劲的混音版。超级球迷香港天王谭咏麟也曾将此歌改成粤语版本的“理想与和平”。两位原唱者都是意大利最著名的流行乐**,并且此歌也是两人合作写成的,英语版由吉奥吉演唱。


“A Special Kind of Hero”(1986年墨西哥世界杯)演唱者:斯黛芬妮·劳伦斯(Stephanie Lawrence)这首充满传统色彩的大气歌曲后来一直被视为颂扬马拉多纳的赞歌,究其原因是它曾出现在那届世界杯赛官方影片《英雄》的结尾,而画面恰恰是马拉多纳在球场上英武拼杀的慢动作镜头。此歌演唱者是著名的舞台剧演员斯黛芬妮-劳伦斯,但该曲是否为当届主题曲,还鲜有明证。






