

2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag:本届世界杯主题曲名为“Wavin Flag”,其中文译名“旗帜飘扬”。世界杯主题曲演唱者是来自加拿大的31岁歌手“克南”。

南非世界杯出的歌 南非世界杯歌曲




2010南非世界杯主题曲 Wavin Flag歌词

when i get older i will be

南非世界杯出的歌 南非世界杯歌曲

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

南非世界杯出的歌 南非世界杯歌曲

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne

stronger than rome

but violent prone

poor people zone

but its my home

all i have known

where i got grown

streets we would roam

out of the darkness

i came the farthest

among the hardest survive

learn form these streets

it can be bleak

accept no defeet

surrender retreat

(so we struggling)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithful day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars

settling scores

bring us promises

leaving us poor

i heard them say

love is the way

love is the answer

thats what they say

but look how they treat us

make us believers

we fight there battles

then they deceive us

try to control us

they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward

like buffalo soldiers

(but we strugglin)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithfully day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it

and you and i will be singing it

and we all will be singing it

wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

a oh a oh a oh

when i get older

when i get older

i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag(3x)

flag flag

just like a wavin flag








1开幕式第三章呼唤(赞美诗)②270女士边走边吟唱+ 9组鼓手 2①非洲在所有人心中姗迪斯娃玛瓦—《道路上的预言家》(玛芬羚羊乐队前主唱,曾获得南非音乐大奖最佳女歌手奖)+舞蹈队和甲壳虫②蒂姆希莫雷—《希望》(出生在索韦托,南非最具天赋的歌手) 3.团结的非洲①TKZEE乐团-《Shibobo》喻户晓的现代乐团,曾创作了98年世界杯南非队队歌)②HHP茨瓦纳语/英语说唱歌手,获得南非音乐大奖最佳制作人奖③奥西贝萨—《Didi》3名加纳艺术家和3名加勒比艺术家组成于70年代,他们在欧美地区发扬了非洲音乐④奥西比萨(加纳)、修马塞凯拉(南非)《阳光灿烂的日子》⑤费米库蒂(尼日利亚)——《bangbangbang》 4.罗伯特·凯利(R凯利)、索维托、灵调歌唱团主题曲《胜利的召唤》②夏奇拉《瓦卡瓦:非洲时间

主题曲是《WAKA WAKA》, Shakira唱的《Wavin’Flag》只是宣传歌曲。如下是南非世界杯的所有歌曲: 01 Sign Of A Victory R. Kelly 02 Waka Waka Shakira 03 Viva Africa Nneka One Day Shosholoza 2010 Ke Nako Move On Up Spirit Of Freedom Game On Maware Maware As Mascaras Hope一共12首


2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag:本届世界杯主题曲名为“Wavin Flag”,其中文译名“旗帜飘扬”。世界杯主题曲演唱者是来自加拿大的31岁歌手“克南”。




2010南非世界杯主题曲 Wavin Flag歌词

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

born to a throne

stronger than rome

but violent prone

poor people zone

but its my home

all i have known

where i got grown

streets we would roam

out of the darkness

i came the farthest

among the hardest survive

learn form these streets

it can be bleak

accept no defeet

surrender retreat

(so we struggling)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithful day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhho ahhho ahhho

so many wars

settling scores

bring us promises

leaving us poor

i heard them say

love is the way

love is the answer

thats what they say

but look how they treat us

make us believers

we fight there battles

then they deceive us

try to control us

they couldn't hold us

cause we just move forward

like buffalo soldiers

(but we strugglin)

fighting to eat

(and we wondering)

when we will be free

so we patiently wait

for that faithfully day

its not far away

but for now we say

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a waving flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhooo

and everybody will be singing it

and you and i will be singing it

and we all will be singing it

wo wah wo ah wo ah

when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

and then it goes when i get older i will be

stronger they'll call me freedom just

like a wavin flag

and then it goes back(3x)

a oh a oh a oh

when i get older

when i get older

i will be stronger

just like a wavin flag(3x)

flag flag

just like a wavin flag







